Sunday 1 January 2012

The Pursuit Of Happiness

What motivates you?

a. money

b. fame

c. other

Among students, I was caught off guard by the fact that many people chose c. other as their answer.In fact, I expected wealth and reputation to be the primary driving force. To my surprise, happiness is of higher value than many extrinsic rewards. This is a pleasant surprise because it shows that there is a human touch to the field of business and that satisfaction is not measured by the digits on a paycheque or the figures of an income statement.

In 1981, in San Francisco, the smart salesman and family man Christopher Gardner invested the family savings in Ostelo National bone-density scanners, an apparatus twice more expensive than x-ray with practically the same resolution. The white elephant financially breaks the family, bringing troubles to the relationship with his wife that leaves him and moves to New York. Without money and wife, but totally committed with his son Christopher, Chris sees the chance to fight for a stockbroker internship position at Dean Witter, disputing for one career in the end of six months training period without any salary with other twenty candidates. Meanwhile, homeless, he has all sorts of difficulties with his son.

Chris Gardner has big dreams for him and his family but it doesn't seem to come together for him. Chris has an opportunity to be a stock broker but first he has to go through a grueling internship which means no pay. Chris decides to do it but when his wife leaves and he is evicted, he has to take care of his son on his own. So they find themselves sometimes living on the street and struggling to get by. But Chris is determined to make it.

In a politic view, what do i see and feel about this movie is how the man named Christopher Gardner work hard to achieve what do he want. what just i feel is he try to sell all the devices (bone density scanners) and i can assume that he failed to sell all the devices. Plus besides doing selling the device, he also try to find any job that have just to cover up his expenses and to continue living in this cruel world. After trying so hard to find other jobs besides selling, he found this man that would like to take him as his employees as a stock broker. You don't have idea how Chris chase this man just for an interview and how this kind man so arrogant at the first time. As for the politic view, i guess like how this particular person trying his best to get the job and how hard it is to get the job too.

As for the economic view, if you guys have watched this movie,i think you guys can also see the Christopher Gardner economic level. Yes they are poor family, he lived in a environment that not so suitable for his kid. Just imagine how this person that are poor, but you guys also know that this DAD works very hard just to lived happily like other too as he try to gain some money with selling those machine and also trying to find other jobs to collect or gain more money to cover-up his expenses. He wants just the best for his son after someones also important leaves or moved on from this guy life when this person really need her. As a conclusion, in this movie it shows that how from the person that from lower income trying so hard to lives his life and take care his son too, what i meant is this person trying so hard to have a good income earn to lived peacefully and happily like others too.
In view of social, it is also shows in this movie when the Christopher Gardner acts as a dad that should take care about his family. But there was a time when his wife leaves him alone with their kid. She just left like that,like she don't have any responsibilities towards their kid. Can you imagine when that small little kid needs his mom and dad on that time, and also the DAD also need his wife beside him all the time whether it is in a hard time or not. This strong person still can come-up with solutions as his wife gone and he think he should do something to make his son happy with their life. Is this happen to any of you, what do you guys really do when it comes to yours life ???

Guys,this movie really touch my heart deeply. The movie shows how's the father, Christopher Gardner to improve the quality in his family's life, the love of father to his family itself. Besides that,it also shows how people like him struggle to grab the every chances just to give his family everything as the best.

If you guys doesn't watch this movie yet,like seriously you guys should do. Fellas u should watch this movie sooooo much because................

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